We have three packages:
Law of Implementation of Umrah:

Umrah is obligatory especially for those who are capable. And the sunnah for those who have run it for the second time.

As the word of Allah SWT in Al-Quran:

واتموا الحج والعمرة لله

“And perfect the pilgrimage and umrah because of Allah.” (Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 196).

Understanding of Umrah worship

Umrah is one of the mosques practiced by the Muslims by visiting and performing some umrah rituals in the Holy Land of Makkah, especially in the Sacred Mosque. Umrah is also often called a small hajj (Hajjul Ashghar) because of its simpler implementation than the implementation of pilgrimage.

What distinguishes umrah and pilgrimage is in terms of time. Umrah worship can be done at any time except on the day of Arafah (10 Dzulhijjah) and Tasyrik days (11, 12, 13 Dzulhijjah). Different from the pilgrimage performed once in a year ie on the hajj month, the month of Dzulhijjah.

In practice, umrah worship is performed by performing some rituals or often referred to as rukun umrah. The following is a pillar of umrah worship:

1. Ihram. Ihram is the intention to start Umrah worship.
Umrah intentions:
نويت العمرة وأحرمت بها لله تعالى
Meaning: “I intend the pilgrimage by ihram because Allah ta’ala.”
This pillar must be performed by all those who will perform umrah worship before miqat and end with tahallul. And when abandoned the umrah worship that it runs is invalid.

2. Thawaf. Thawaf is one of the rituals of umrah worship performed by circling the Kaaba seven times. This activity begins and ends in line with Hajar Aswad.

3. Sa’i. Sa’i is one of the pillars of umrah worship performed by walking or running a little off the hill of Safa seven times and ending at Marwah hill.

4. Tahallul. Tahallul is done by shaving a whole or entire hair on the head or cutting at least three strands of hair, especially for women.

5. Order. Order to do the worship according to the above order.