Johor was known in its early days as ‘Ujong Tanah’ meaning Land’s End. The present name Johor comes from an adaptation of the Arabic word ‘Jauhar’ which means precious stone or jewel. It was founded in the early 1500s, by Sultan Ahmad Shah, the heir of Sultan Mahmud Shah, the last Sultan of Malacca before it fell into Portuguese hands. This Empire was then controlled by the Bugis of Celebes and the Minangkabaus of Sumatra in the 18th century. With British intervention, the state fell into the control of one Daing Ibrahim, who took the title of Sultan. His son, Sultan Abu Bakar, prospered Johor, developing its own constitution and efficiently administrating the state. For his efforts, Johor was the only state in Malaysia not completely controlled by the British right up till Independence Day. Johor has a diverse cultural heritage and some gazetted rainforests, namely the Endau-Rompin range. Most of the economic sectors are concentrated in manufacturing and industry, but visitors will find that Johor has some spectacular places to see, especially those concerning history.